

The Civilian Conservation Corps was a popular Great Depression relief effort started by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933. Camps where men performed environmental and conservation work sprung up all across the United States, employing millions of men by the program's end in 1942.

This archive hosts photos from three CCC camps in the Fredericksburg region: Wilderness Camp, Chancellorsville Camp, and Spotsylvania Camp. Because the CCC was segregated, Chancellorsville was an African American camp, while Wilderness was a white, juniors camp. Spotsylvania was a camp for veterans.

Photographs belong to Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania Battlefield, National Park Service. Research and metadata completed by Ilana Bleich, Adam Kitchen, Abigail Phelps, and Jasmine Williams, during HIST300ZZ, Spring 2018, at the University of Mary Washington.